Apple Valley Model Railroad Museum
The Apple Valley Model Railroad Museum is in the restored Historic Hendersonville Train Depot.

The museum has a display of historic railroad artefacts.
There is a 22’ x 100’ scale model of the train tracks at the peak of train activity in this area. The trains run along the track next to models of the trees, rivers, mountains and buildings around Hendersonville. They go up a model of the Saluda Grade, through Hendersonville to Asheville and around Western North Carolina.

There is a Southern Railway caboose.

Children can operate a layout with Thomas the Tank Engine.

Historic Hendersonville Train Depot
This is the second Hendersonville Train Station. It was built in 1902. When they built this station, they moved the old smaller station from 1879 and use it to warehouse freight.
The Apple Valley Model Railroad club restored the station, beginning in 1992.

Across from the Historic Hendersonville Train Depot
I don’t know what this is, but it is across the street from the train station and painted like it.

Across from the Historic Hendersonville Train Depot
Perhaps it has something to do with this;
In its heyday, a 22,000 gallon water tank stood on the other side of the tracks with underground pipes to two stand pipes in between Track #1 and #2, just far enough apart for two Mikado steam locomotives to be serviced at the same time.