We have a Little Library near the log cabin.
One of our neighbors has built this little shelf. Isn’t it cute?!? The roof is a book.
The top has dog cookies. The bottom shelf is books and little gifts for kids. The middle shelf is a little bit of everything. People bring mysteries, romances, biographies, decorating, travel, art books… Just anything!

From the cabin, just head left, up the hill to Clairmont Drive. At the top of the hill, at the corner by Orleans, you will see the Little Library.

Take a Book – Leave a Book
Just take any book you want.

Take a Book – Leave a Book
You can keep them or I will bring them back if you leave them at the cabin.
Don’t worry if you want to keep the book. I bring plenty.
Sometimes there are so many there they don’t all fit.
I just love my neighborhood!
There are plenty of books at the cabin, too. I have collected classics and books about Hendersonville and Western North Carolina. Please don’t bring them to the Little Library or take them home. Some of them were really hard to find.